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BattleTech was released on April 24, 2018 on Steam is the reboot of the original game that was developed in 1984 by FASA. The new turn-based strategy videogame is co-developed by multiple original developers of the franchise including creator Jordan Weisman. He, along with Mitch Gitelman co-founded Hairbrained Schemes, the studio developing the BattleTech reboot.

BattleTech PC Game Content

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries Content

Franchise Contents

Order of Battle

  • DropShips
    • Inner Sphere DropShips
    • Clan DropShips
  • Jumpship (BattleTech)
    • Inner Sphere JumpShips
    • Clan JumpShips
  • WarShips
    • Inner Sphere WarShips
    • Clan WarShips



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